2022 Leadership Institute

This Leadership Institute came on the heels of the announcement about the ending of GlobeMed HQ’s programming. As such, the programming was focused on providing students with a strong foundation in GlobeMed values and Leadership Practices. The intention was that however each chapter chooses to move forward in the next phase, they are able to make values-driven decisions and choices.

Session Recordings

Below you’ll find the recordings of the four main sessions we hosting over two days. There were also breakout room sessions that explored each of the Leadership Practices, however due to Zoom limitations, they were not recorded.

If you are a current GlobeMed student and do not have the password to the protected recordings, send an email to info@globemed.org, including your name and chapter, and we’ll get you sorted out.


GlobeMed’s Principles

After hearing from students that they felt they needed more actionable directions when it came to our anti-oppression statement, we iterated the GlobeMed Principles, action statements based on our values. This session is meant to be an introduction to the Principles.

Anti-Oppressive Partnership

Creative Reaction Lab created the Equity-Centered Community Design process, which they share with us in this session. Learn how to apply this process in the context of cross-cultural relationships and partnerships, and think about how you can use this with your partner.

Community & Connection

With the news that GlobeMed HQ is closing, what the future of GlobeMed looks like is up to current students. In this session we looked at three options for moving forward: creating a centralized structure, focusing on one-to-one connections, and in-person connections.

Conflict Transformation

Conflict is inevitable, and it doesn’t have to be destructive. In fact, it can be generative and should be if we are living in our values. Anees Hasnain walks through practical skills for addressing conflict. Note: This session recording is only available to current GlobeMed students.


Notes, Take-Aways, and Self-Directed Work

During the sessions, we used the collaborative online tool Miro for participants to share what they were thinking about. While the ability to collaborate on the board was reserved for live participants, we are happy to share what was generated from the time together. You will also find prompts for you to do some of your own work on some of the concepts and lessons that were presented, particularly for the sessions focused on the Leadership Practices.